About Us
After the horrific attacks of October 7, the IDF called up over 300,000 reserve soldiers, the largest reserve call-up in its history.
These reservists come from diverse backgrounds, but many share one commonality: they left behind families, mostly women and young children. These “miluim” (reservist) families who have now been without their father (and in some cases, mothers), since October 7, must manage their households and all of their daily duties, alone, without practical or emotional support of their spouse during these challenging times. In addition, they are often filled with great anxiety, as their spouses are in combat roles, risking their lives.
While Israel has been slowly working to rebuild from the trauma and upheaval of October 7, for these families the challenges have essentially remained the same – if anything, these challenges have increased, as the passage of time in itself adds a heavy burden.
So long as Israel remains on the battlefield, we must support the homefront.
The “Ogen עוגן” (anchor) is a nationwide volunteer-only network which was quickly established after October 7. Today, over 20,000 volunteers currently assist nearly 20,000 “miluim” spouses and children from over 240 cities and towns (and the number continues to grow), providing both practical and emotional support.
At the Ogen for Drafted Families, we have identified two main needs: meals and babysitting. We therefore are looking to raise funds for Shabbat/midweek meals, and to create a fund to pay babysitters.

How can you help?
HaOgen for Drafted Families has partnered with The American Zionist Movement (AZM), the umbrella Zionist federation in the USA, affiliated with the World Zionist Organization (WZO), to collect tax-deductible donations in the US as part of their Israel Emergency Relief Fund.
Please contribute generously. All donations will be transferred immediately to our trusted partners at HaOgen for Drafted Families.
100% of funds received will be used for this emergency relief project in Israel.

Dear Tali,
I am sitting down to write to express my heartfelt thanks to you. Another full day has passed. A day packed with much effort in raising my four kids as best as I can, where I give each one attention, feed them, wash them, help them fall asleep, encourage, listen and try to be there for them.
I have been doing this for nearly 8 months since my husband was drafted. At first, he was totally absent and later he came home every now and again. I was at first in shock. A year ago, I turned from being a mother of two, to being a mother of four children. This war brought upon me many feelings of fear and insecurity. How do I raise four children alone? How can I keep them safe? How do I do this while keeping up their routine?
The answer to this is mainly by the help of good people along the way. You, Sandra and some others are amazing. You saved us in this hard time. I do not know how I would have managed without you.
You helped me so much! You drove my kids to classes and activities and you constantly encouraged me.
So now is time to say thanks. I hope I can return your good deeds.
Please convey my thanks to HaOgen for Draft Families that enabled your wonderful assistance.
I am hopeful that Amos will not be drafted again soon, but I know that if this happens, I will manage, with the help of good people along the way.
With much thanks and appreciation,
And if there is anything I can do to help others, please don’t hesitate to call.

I am taking advantage of this break to express my deep heartfelt thanks, for the support my family has received from the women of HaOgen in the past months.
My husband, whom is the main caregiver to our two sons was drafted to Miluim (reserve duties) and I remained with two children and a highly demanding job as an intern in Pediatric Surgery in hospital.
Orly, Ariel, Maya, Michal, Rona, Tami and Liat Abu Berkowitz assisted me in finding a babysitter who could come to our home at 6 AM , when I have to leave for work, and take on all our morning activities (I have searched for a person for this job unsuccessfully for ages, I was even willing to offer my kidney for such a person LOL ) The calmness in my home, with this help, enables me to take care of my patients and to perform surgery with maximum focus as possible during this period.
The abundant food packages from the Abu Berkowitz family, with homemade food on weekends, were vegan, nutritious and had a wonderful smell of home. Anyone who does long hours on duty in hospital can appreciate the physical and mental state one is in on the day after, when one’s whole body aches and the mind is constantly disturbed. To arrive home to expectant children and to boxes packed with love and vitamins made me instantly want to cover the table with a white tablecloth, light Shabbat candles, make a blessing on wine and sing songs out of respect for the wonderful food we have received.
Above all, my children who complain that their dad is in the army, that their mom is always on duty in the hospital, received a large portion of regular unconditional love and care. They kept asking how come “strange” women bring them food, they wanted to hear the repeated story about how every person makes an effort in time of war, whether they are soldiers or not, each person does what they can to help. Their dad has gone to be a doctor to soldiers in the army and Mommy takes care of wounded soldiers at work. And In Ramat Hasharon, HaOgen has set up an “army of lionesses” who helps everyone in need.
Upon hearing this they sat down and prepared word puzzles for all the children at school whose parents are drafted. They too experienced values of love, giving, community and optimism which are so valuable especially during these times.
And me – I received air to breath. I received understanding that I could survive this trying period in our small home. I received a feeling of security. That I am enveloped with caring people in my city, that we are not alone. This has made all the difference for me, between wondering around tired, sad and angry to being tired but proud; of my husband who is defending us, of my children who are coping, and of the wonderful community of women who we live amongst.
Thanks again from the bottom of our hearts for all your work.
You are the essence of “Beautiful Israel”
May you continue with all your efforts.
I will recharge my strength and join you to help other families.
Dr. Eliyahu Shimrit